21 Questions with Bri'a Love!

Interviewed by Ebo Barton
they/he, Director of Housing Services

  1. Could you tell us your name, pronouns and title at LRP?
    Bri’a • She/Her • Housing Programs Manager 

  2. What are you working on in your first month?
    Tenant's council and education, shadowing opportunities, and carefully going over what has already been created so I can fit my ideas into them. A program that I am excited about and am working on for our housing work is harm reduction.

  3. If you were stuck on a deserted island, what five things would you need with you besides food and water?
    My kids, some books (specifically The Pocket by Thich Nhat Hanh), my phone, something nice to sleep on, and my lashes.

  4. What music are you listening to right now?
    Everything! Right now, listening to Conceited by SZA

  5. If you were to move to a new place right now, what room or area would you furnish/decorate first?
    The living room. That’s where everyone spends time. I need to be able to host. 

  6. How many plants are in your home? 56!!! I have so many different kinds. I love them because I love nature. They make me feel connected to nature when I'm inside, which is important during these long winters. I've had a green thumb always and they're very therapeutic.

  7. What’s your favorite season in Seattle?
    Summer. The sunsets seeing the Cascades, Mt. Baker, Mt. Rainier, Seattle, basically east, south and west views. The pinks and purples and orange-ish hues are beautiful.

  8. If you could have dinner with three notable people in herstory, who would they be?
    Hope Giselle, Laverne Cox, and Saucy Santana. If I had to pick just one, I would pick Hope because I see myself in her and know that I have so much to learn

  9. What part of your work are you most enthusiastic about and why?
    Clearly, housing justice! The part I’m most excited about is working directly with our community. Why? Because we are under-under-under-underserved.  There are so many disparities in housing, and I’m excited we have the opportunity to do something about it. Hopefully, it will be the start of a revolution in Seattle. I know we are not the first ones, but it's a great project to work with.  

  10. Trans people/groups you follow on social media and we all should follow too?
    @translifeline, @translawcenter, @them

  11. Many of our community members are leaving Seattle for many reasons. Why do you continue to stay?
    Honestly, the quality of life. There’s lots of niche opportunities that do not exist in other parts of the country. I recognize this and see it as a way to build a new system or at least get some resources that are available than in other places.  

  12. If you were given an all expenses paid vacation for 1 week, where would you go?
    Probably that deserted island you tried to send me to earlier.  Sounds beautiful.

  13. On an ideal off from work day, where would we find you and what would you be doing?
    Hiking or on a beach somewhere with a journal, book and some fruit.

  14. What art form do most engage with?
    I have plans to get back into journaling because I miss it and I haven’t done it in awhile.  I also paint. 

  15. What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?
    Pasta! It doesn’t matter what kind of pasta. Red or white. Alfredo or pasta. No meat, but an alternative is good! As long as there are noodles and sauce. I love how heavy pasta is and how full it makes me.

  16. Favorite quote?
    “I am who I am today, because of the choices I made yesterday.” - Elenor Roosevelt

  17. Where are you originally from?
    Philadelphia (Chester, Pennsylvania)

  18. In your most ideal future, what are three major differences from where we are now?

    Money has been replaced by a barter System
    Take away or restructure the entire government and its entities, including prisons, jails and law enforcement.
    A world where no BIPOC gender diverse people are ever murdered, and instead are thriving.

  19. What are your “big three” zodiac signs?  (Sun, Moon, Rising)
    I'm a virgo pretty through and through!

  20. Do you have any resolutions for 2023?
    Stop putting so much pressure on myself.  Realistic understanding that I am human.  And to redo my living space.

  21. LRP staff’s favorite question: What animal (real or fictional) would you ride into battle?
    I probably would ride an octopus into battle because of all those tentacles.  They could squeeze things, squeeze out of things, and squeeze through things.