Our First Time Together: The Black Trans Legal Professional Network at BTAC

by Alphonse Littlejohn

From April 25th – April 30th 2023, Black Trans Legal Professionals Network (BTLPN) members met for the first time at the 10th annual Black Trans Advocacy Conference. As part of the conference, members were able to attend and participate in many things including a talent show, pageant, award gala, ball, workshops, empowerment sessions and more. For some, it was their first time being in space with other Black trans folks – the conference was attended by over 500+ Black trans individuals and their allies.

BTLPN held a moderated panel “Lawyering Up! — Black trans legal professionals share their professional legal experiences and offer resources” which was attended by over 20 BTAC attendees. Conversations and connections from the conference has continued to expand BTLPN and we are excited to see what we create together in 2024.

“Every year, BTAC for me is a combination of a love fest and family reunion,” said Bryanna A. Jenkins, Esq., National Organizing Director of Lavender Rights Project. “As a leader in community, this conference allows my to fill my cup so I can go back into the world confident and rededicated to working on behalf of my community. If you are Black and trans, then you need to be at this conference.”

“BTAC was an awesome opportunity to see the importance of working in the broader movement of Black trans advocates as a movement lawyer,” another member of Black Trans Legal Professionals Network expressed about their recent trip to Dallas, TX. “BTLPN allows Black trans lawyers to build community with each other, and BTAC allows us to decenter our profession and see ourselves as full beings. We embody the "lawyer" role to a certain extent with the panel discussion about applying to and attending law school and entering the legal profession, but we could also take off that hat and attend to our shared experiences with the rest of the attendees. I'm so grateful that BTLPN exists and that I have been able to share so much of my struggles with people who understand the feelings of isolation, tokenism, and high expectations. in this profession. BTAC showed me that our experiences cut across to other professions. BTAC and BTLPN both allow us to break through the tough feelings of navigating this world and find communal joy.”

BTLPN thanks Pride Foundation and Solidaire for the funding that made our existence and conference attendance possible.